How do I access Bangor payroll self-serve portal?
Sign in with your credentials to access Bangor Payroll® self-serve portal. Log in with Evolution Payroll. Sign in to access webclock with BangorTime. Log in for supervisor access to BangorTime. Your one-stop resource for HR-related workplace information.
Why Bangor Savings Bank for payroll?
As a division of Bangor Savings Bank, we process payroll for thousands of businesses across New England. We have been helping companies with their employee payroll and tax, time and labor, and human resource and compliance needs for more than 20 years with a range of solutions designed to reduce the burden for businesses of all sizes.
What is the phone number for Bangor support?
Our Bangor Support team will be available from 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM at 1.877.Bangor1. **UPDATE: 1098/1099's will be mailed by January 31, 2022; if you do not receive it by February 12, please contact Bangor Support.
How do I contact Bangor support for PPP loan forgiveness?
Our Bangor Support team will be available from 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM at 1.877.Bangor1. **UPDATE: 1098/1099's will be mailed by January 31, 2022; if you do not receive it by February 12, please contact Bangor Support. Please visit our dedicated SBA PPP Loan Forgiveness resource center for up to date information.

TimeSimplicity release notes for August 10th, 2017
Notification release including new late/no show notification for supervisors
TimeSimplicity 2.40.2 release notes for May 17, 2016
Some fixes for preference rule enforcement, extra white space, printing and TimeWorksPlus integrations, and an improvement for showing shift pickups.
TimeWorksPlus release for April 26, 2016
The new Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) file format will capture all of the necessary timekeeping data required by long-term nursing facilities.
TimeWorksPlus release for April 12, 2016
Introducing the beta rollout of a new client dashboard for TimeWorksPlus with a graphical display of information not found on the existing dashboard.